Grade 4A

Mirela Hot

Another fantastic year has come and gone! Grade 4A’s journey was remarkable. With so many memories, this year will be a hard one to let go of. To have watched you grow into the individuals that you have become was inspiring. It has been an absolute pleasure to be your teacher.

I am amazed by your talents and your abilities to make me laugh. I am very proud of the hard work and dedication you have presented this year.

We had several excursions and incursions where we learnt even more on our relating topics. This term we visited Scienceworks to learn about forces and had an incursion on Billy Carts to learn more about materials. We went to the Melbourne Zoo for a sleepover which was so much fun!

Here are some photos of the memories we made at camp and our last excursion and incursion!

Thank you to all the students in Grade 4A for a wonderful year and I wish you guys all the best in your upcoming academic years!


Ms Mirela Hot